To inquire about available positions please contact us at info@protests4men.caPetition to the House of Commons Regarding Equality for Men in Policing
• As summarized in the Canadian study (Dim and Lysova, 2021), the male victims of intimate
partner violence (IPV) reported a bias against men in police agencies and they reported two major
themes about the police response, namely, the barrier to contacting the police for help (because
of negative expectation of being ridiculed by the police, not being believed, and fear of being
arrested), and negative experiences with the police response due to antagonistic police treatment;
• According to, many of the studies reviewed discrepancies between how police
respond to male and female survivors of IPV; the reduced likelihood of charges being laid when the
victim is a man; and the increased likelihood that survivors will be arrested when the survivors are
men. Moreover, according to, although a person who knowingly makes a false allegation in a DV context may be committing number of offences under the Criminal Code of Canada (including section 140), but there has been only one reported Canadian case since 1990 that the maker of a false allegation in the context above was charged with an offence;
• Dutton (2012) reported that police mistakenly assumed that the male victim was the abuser in
64% of cases when a man had called the police for help in the IPV context. He also found that
police tend to perceive female perpetrators as being less abusive and requiring less intervention
than male perpetrators, even when levels of IPV were matched across cases; and
• In (Hines and Douglas, 2009), other men reported that they were falsely accused of violence,
even with corroborating evidence that they were innocent and their female partners were violent.
Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of
Commons, to:
• Update the legislation addressing family violence to ensure male victims are protected equally with female victims and ensure that police do not make any implicit or explicit assumptions against men because of their gender in DV cases;
• Define non-gender-based criteria to determine whether a person should or should not be charged in DV cases and to ensure prevention of arbitrary decisions by police officers in such cases;
• Ensure the enforcement of laws against those who make false allegations in the context of DV and in particular, enforcement of section 140 of Criminal Code of Canada where it is applicable; and
• Form a committee that supervises the implementation of gender equality in policing in DV cases,
accepts complaints regarding violations and presents its reports to the House of Commons.
For more information regarding petitions to House of commons, visit the following link.
For hiring and other inquiries, please email us at , and we will provide further instructions.
Protests 4 Men,